Metallic Epoxy 1.5 Gallon Kit Up to 150 SF Includes Prime Coat


1.5 Gallon HALF Kit Metallic Epoxy INCLUDES:

-0.5 Gallon Water-Based Epoxy PRIMER Parts A & B

-1.5 Gallons of 100% Solids (Clear) Epoxy TOPCOAT Parts A & B,

-4 oz of Metallic Powder Pigment Additive, 1 Mix Wand and 1 Notched Squeegee. Coverage: up to 150 sq. ft. on smooth concrete.

Get a FREE Coaching Call with our head installer after every purchase!

Average 2 Car Garage: 576-720 sq ft

Average 3 Car Garage: 864-1296 sq ft

Read our tutorial on How to Apply Metallic Epoxy


EpoxyPRO is an industrial grade/food grade 100% solids metallic epoxy floor coating system that creates a durable, uniquely marbled, 3-dimensional and seamless floor that combines the ultimate in concrete floor protection and stunning aesthetic effect!

EpoxyPRO Metallics is the leading trend on the market today for decorative concrete floor finishes and is an easy to apply DIY two coat system. After floor prep is completed (please see application How-To link) the first easy step to protecting/restoring your concrete is coating the concrete surface with our EpoxyPRO Water-based Epoxy Primer (color). The second easy step is to mix together the EpoxyPRO 100% Solids Metallic Epoxy and Metallic Pigment and apply your unique, multi-dimensional effect high gloss finish topcoat.

COVERAGE: Our installation tools that are provided with your Kit allow you to squeegee and roll out this product at the square footage stated at approximately 8-20 mils per coat on most smooth concrete floors. Please Note: Actual coatings coverage rate per mils is dependent on the concrete surface porosity. (2A to 1B mix ratio up to 75 SF per gallon or up to 150 SF per 1.5 Gallon Kit)

RECOMMENDATION: Safety First is always recommended for all coating finishes. For your safety and for that of others keeping floors clean and dry from any inconspicuous foreign substances that may create a potential slip hazard is recommended.

Please note the following non-slip recommendation:

Aluminum Oxide #46 Grit Broadcast is always recommended to be used with: PURE 100% Solids Epoxy or METALLIC 100% Solids Epoxy. PLEASE NOTE: the use of this non-slip product with the metallic effect epoxy may slightly decrease the shine of the high gloss finish.

 Do-It-Yourself or Professional Installation is Available


Please call us at 877-703-7699 or email us at [email protected] 

with any questions or to schedule a free estimate on any

residential, commercial or industrial floor project.